Saturday, May 31, 2008


We went to the aquarium in Baltimore MD yesterday. Great time!!!
We are heading home today. Sad!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Went to IKEA today. I love that place! I could spend days in that store. I bought way too much stuff and I have no idea how I am going to get it all home. They had this really cute tunnel that Jacob loved crawling through, so of course we got it. The thing I love about that place is that everything is packed flat so at least it will all fit in a suitcase. Maybe....

Monday, May 26, 2008

A start to our vacation

We arrived in Baltimore Sat night at about 11 pm. Jen picked us up and the boys went right to bed. I have been sick with a cold-or something which has not been the best start to a vacation.
On Sunday, Jayden, Paul and Josh went to the White House for a tour. Jayden was so tired and hot which made him miserable. He was so excited to ride on the train (Metro) but ended up being terribly dissappointed that the train did not say "choo choo". And then he couldn't figure out why he did get to see the president-Josh told him that the president was taking a nap.
Josh and Paul went to Best Buy today and Paul purchased a new TV. We are watching Indiana Jones and it is pretty fabulous.And Jayden played naked in the backyard in a kiddie pool. I have picture but I will not be sharing those!
Jennilee made the best steak dinner tonight-yum. She can cook!
So, we are probably going to IKEA tomorrow because it is forecasted to rain and then on Wed or Thursday, Josh and I are going to the spy museum! We are also going to try to take Jayden to the Smithsonian to see the dinosaur bones. Of course, he believes that Skippyjon Jones made the dinos extinct because of his "holy halitosis!". (the skippyjon jones books are our favorite right now-thanks melinda!!!)
Friday is the aquarium which is what I am most excited about!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Jacob's one year pics

If you want to check out the AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING pictures my girl Sesha took of Jacob for his one-year photos, check out and put in our last name. My favorites involve a baby, his fat belly, and a cupcake!

Vacation, here we come!

We are leaving on vacation tonight and will be flying to Washington DC to visit my sis and bro in law. I am beyond excited but am feeling a little sick, hopefully just allergies. And this will be Jacob's first time flying, so of course I am nervous about that.
When I ask Jayden what he wants to do there, he tells me "eat broccoli with Uncle Paul. but I don't want to eat fish. And I want to see Uncle Paul's real tattoo."
I will keep this updated with our vacation adventures!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Mothers Day-A tribute to my Mommy

I really don’t like mothers day. Even though I am a mom myself now, it is still a reminder of the void in my life. Most days, I just live my life, never really pausing to notice that I am an old soul without a mother. I have lived nearly half of my life without her. But this year, I am pausing, not to feel sorry for myself like I usually do, but to
reflect on the wonderful Godly woman that my Mom was.

I know that she yelled sometimes, but I don’t really remember those times (and God knows I deserved to be yelled at sometimes). I remember her vacuuming at 7:30 am on a Saturday after letting us “sleep in”. I remember fabulous chocolate chip cookies and homecooked meals. It was my mom who discovered that potato chips and cookies taster better frozen. I have no idea why this is but try it and you will know what I am talking about. I loved snuggling with her in her bed every night. I think that this is when I would divulge my deepest darkest secrets, like who I was currently crushing on. One of my favorite memories is “ballroom dancing” around the house with her. She taught me to pay bills by letting me sit at the kitchen table with her and write out the checks for her to sign. She taught me how to plan a menu, save money, do laundry, clean a house, and manage a household. All of this by the time I was 15. I would like to think that it is just my amazing intelligence that helped me learn all of this but I know that it is because of a wonderful Godly woman, Janice Browning.

Other than the practical things, I learned through example how to love my own husband and children, and how to be a friend, how to have compassion for those who are hurting and to desire to pitch in a help people any way that I can. I pray that I can be half of the woman that she was. If I can do that, then I will feel like I have accomplished much. I have been privileged to hear stories from her friends over the years of the support and advice that my mom gave to them. She loved God’s Son, she believed in God’s love, and she believed in the power of God’s word. What an amazing woman. How lucky am I to have had her as a mother?

And I try to live every moment by her final words to us “Let everyone know, keep God centered in their lives.”

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Life in the Tarbet house

Oh Lord have mercy on us, we are in a transition phase of our lives. I have finally accepted the fact that I am not as organized as I once was or would like to be and my house is not as clean as I would like. I think I would settle for half as clean as I would like it to be.
Anyway, I digress. I am transitioning Jacob from two naps to one big afternoon nap. And Jayden thinks that he no longer needs a nap, which I firmly disagree with! That child-I love him dearly but the poor little guy is so much like me it is scary. Poor kid...
Jacob is talking up a storm. The pediatrician warned me that Jacob could have some delays because his big brother is a talking machine. But we seem ok in that area for now. He says "HI", "bye bye" "mama" "dada" "DAD" "bubble" "ball" and "Pop pop pop!" (to go along with the bubbles) What a fun life I have with these two little cuties. I am so happy and blessed.
the remainder of this month is going to be CRAZY!! But we will survive. I am little nervous about keeping Jayden busy enough this summer without preschool so I am going to sit down with a calendar and plan out his life. He needs it and I definately need it.
Josh is very crazy busy spearheading the youth worship concert/movement "The Stand" which will be Sept 14. I know that you will all be hearing about this because it is going to be a very consuming part of our lives over the next few months. I know this is going to be a lot of work for him and for me as well but I am so proud of him! I have been praying Gods protection on our marriage because I know that Satan will try to cast a burden on this event anyway that he can. But I say "poo on you devil!"
I am gearing up for mops next year.
So, that is life for us right now. Not super exciting but it is a wonderful life