Monday, February 23, 2009

A Sad Day around here

Today, I had to make a very difficult decision: I decided to have Calvin put to sleep. He had a heart murmer, tyroid issue and a chronic skin bacteria that caused him to have sores all over. The past week, he has slept and not eaten much, whimpered, and had to be helped to go to the bathroom.
I got Calvin as a birthday present when I was 14, the summer before my freshman year in high school. I named him Calvin the Spastic Zippy Wonder Dog. He has been through so much with me and when I was growing up, we referred to him as our therapy dog. He cheered mom up during chemo treatments, let me cry many times in his fur, would pull crazy stunts to make up laugh, he was even a master of the "hot dog hunt" game my Daddy invented. (you rub a hot dog around to make a trail and then hide the hot dog. Let Calvin in and you have instant fun!!). Even at the end, he sensed that I needed a laugh. I was holding him in lap, crying into his fur like I have done many times before. He leaned his head back and grabbed my kleenex and tore himself off a little piece. I know that he annoyed Josh but he was a my special little guy. I will miss that little stinker!


David Patton said...

I work with Joyce and she told me about your loss. I am very sorry. I had a similar experience with my parent's dog Tiapan. When my Mom, and then two years later, my Dad passed away Tiapan became my charge. I was glad to have the "little stinker". She was a shitzu and was completely in charge at our house. When we lost her to multiple illnesses it was like losing my parents all over again. Heart breaking barely begins to describe it, as you well know.

We are lucky to have sweet pets that let us cry in their fur and make us laugh when they know we need it. They only ask for our love and companionship. They give us so much in return.

I hope for you peace and rest about what you had to do. I hope for Calvin that he has fields to play in and maybe he'll find Tiapan and they'll enjoy the sunshine together.

"May I be the person my dog thinks that I am!"

Unknown said...


Calvin sounds so much like my Sammy. He's a total spaz but will always stop to snuggle if I'm having a bad day. He licks up my tears when I cry and never leaves my side when I'm sick. He's priceless and I dread the day when I have to let him go. I may be crazy but I believe that heaven wouldn't be heaven without our pets. Jesus went ahead of us to prepare our room and that is where Calvin will be when you get there, I'm just sure of it!!