Friday, March 27, 2009

Alert the media...

I am posting a blog! I know, its been awhile but I have "stuff" to do. Nothing productive, just stuff.
Any who, today I got out he cookie cutters, rolling pin, and cute little aprons that "santa" brought to the boys and we got to work. I had made a double batch of Melinda's sugar cookie recipe last night so it was nice and chilled. I gave each boy a small amount of dough and they had a blast! Jacob liked playing in the flour and throwing pieces of dough onto the cookie sheet. Jayden is an old pro at this and he did a pretty good job of keeping his fingers out of his nose and cutting out decent shapes.
I am going to freeze most of the cookies (well, all of the ones I finished while the boys were taking naps) and decorate them right before Easter.


Debbie said...

Love the pics of the boys...and the aprons! Tyler has a little apron with his name on it, and he's gotten quite a bit of use out of it. He loves to help me measure out ingredients and stir things. Don't you just love little boys? I think I know the answer to that...

Aunt Mel said...

Oooo...I hope you post pics of your decorated cookies!