Thursday, March 05, 2009

having one of those days

Maybe it is because I am sick and have a sick baby. Or maybe it is just one of those days when my fuse is short and I am full of self doubt. Josh and I are involved in so much and I am feeling stretched too thin and like there is no depth to any of it. I am not involved in any type of formal Bible study or small group. It seems that in the process of wanting to help others, I have forgotten myself.
I wonder who I got this trait from??? (If you are in my family, you will know that it is my wonderful wonderful mommy who did not know how to say "no")
I know that there are many others who have felt this way or feel this way right now.
So for those of you with answers, please share!


Christina said...

I understand my dear friend!! You do SO MUCH for so many people!! You are so loving and gifted in SO many area's! Just remember that you need to take care of your relationship with Jesus and your family first!! And, YOU need to be fed in order to help feed others!!! I admire you so much for ALL that you do!! I will be praying that God will HELP you say no! :):) Love you girl!!

Debbie said...

You and I were cut from the same cloth, my friend. Someone very recently told me that my candle is star-shaped, burning on all sides. Unfortunately, a star-shaped candle makes for a bent-out-of-shape momma (and wife). Too much going and not enough being still to hear the voice of God. Since I'm going through it right along with you, I have no sage advice. I just wanted to let you know that you're not the only daughter of the King who struggles with this. ((Hugs))