Monday, January 26, 2009

Bait and Switch-in a good way

When I was dating Josh, my MoMo (grandma) gave me some really great advice, although she might deny that she told me this. She told me "Don't do anything for Josh that you don't want to do the rest of your life." Great advice!
So, while we were dating, I NEVER cooked anything harder than Mac and Cheese from a box. I was setting the expectation low...very low. If I mad spagetti it was noodles and a jar of sauce-no meat even!
Josh was pleasantly surprised when after we got married, and had no money, TADAAAA!!! Juli can cook. I still haven't mastered any type of seafood (EWWW) or a way to cook steaks other than on the grill but I can hold my own in a kitchen! My sister is a great cook too but she has moved out to DC and become a wierd food snob and make foodie wierd stuff. Well, sometimes she does. I especially love to bake but since I have begun my lastest diet of the week (only half way through monday and I have already stuck the spoon into a can of frosting!), I am refraining from it.

If I ever had a cooking show I think I will call it "Juli CAN cook"


Jennilee said...

Hey! I'm not a food snob. My palate is broader than yours, but a food snob looks down on other food, and you and I BOTH do that to sea-bugs.

Oh... and I was there when MoMo shared the advice. That's why I don't iron Paul's shirts :)

Anonymous said...

I didn't think you were listening to my advice--oh dear!

Amy said...

Maybe I should try this on Ashton...