Monday, July 24, 2006

The Traveling Duo!

Jayden and I arrived in DC at about 12:00. The flight was good but would have been even better if this Mommy would have remembered to pack the DVD's to go with the charged DVD player! Jayden was a trouper though! The worst part of the whole trip was going through security with all of the stuff. I found that fellow travelers, especially those with kids at home, were very helpful. These pictures were taken when Dad dropped us off at the airport. By the time I got off the plane, my hair was a mess and makeup was all rubbed off.
Jennilee picked us up at the airport and we headed back to her house. It is such a cute and quiet house in a nice neighborhood. We might paint a wall while I am here. And tomorrow we are heading to IKEA and maybe to the aquarium.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

This is totally not what I should be doing right now!

I really don't have time to be doing this right now but here I am, on the internet.
Thought I would finally add a pic of Jayden. He loves bathtub time and he really loved all of these bubbles!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Worn out

Last week, my mother-in-law asked me when was the last time I got a good nights sleep. I honestly can't remember! It must have been about 3 years ago, before I was pregnant with Jayden!
We had a rough night last night and the little guy ended up in our room at 4:00 a.m. I decided that his new monitor must be giving off too much light so I put a sticker on it-hopefully it will work.
It is amazing that the sleep deprivation has become normal and I am able to function at all. But, he is worth it!
Oh and I will eventually put some pictures on here!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Family Time

Family vacations exhaust me. I remember being a kid and loving to go on vacation but it is a lot of work. I guess this is another sign that I am getting old.
We returned on Sunday from several days in Branson with my Dad, stepmom, step brothers, step sister in law, and my sister and Paul. We stayed at a nice condo and rented a boat. So much better than the original plan to rent a houseboat for three nights! It could have turned into the the Browning-Marz family massacre! We also went to the Dixie Stampede. According to Jennilee, the most entertaining part was watching Josh and I get so excited. We LOVED it!
It was a good family trip-Thanks Dad and Lisa!