Thursday, July 31, 2008

Jayden is sick

Last night, I took Jayden's temp and it was 102. Today he is feeling pretty bad. So bad that he has been carrying the green puke bowl around with him.
Well, yesterday he was singing songs that he made up about eating his boogers all gone. I told him, "Jayden, eating boogers will give you a tummy ache."
Today while sitting on the couch he pathetically tells me "Mommy, I think I ate too many boogers. I am not going to do that anymore."

Monday, July 21, 2008

VBS Week

Jayden ready for Backwards Day at VBS

Jacob mid sneeze
This week is Vacation Bible School at church and I am teaching third grade. I have a fun group of very rowdy boys AND girls. Tomorrow I will be introducing the GOD Rules:
Give the speaker your full attention
Obey your leader
Don't be a space invader (keep hands, feet, and all objects to yourself)

I was so tired by the end that I just wanted to take a nap.

It is hotter than you know where this week so this afternoon I took the boys outside and set up a sprinkler. Jacob did not love it but Jayden had a good time taking his mini mini cooper to the "car wash" What a goober.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Somethings a three year old says should be censored!

Since day one, Jayden and his "equipment" have been good friends. I have been very deliberate to teach him the proper names for anatomy so he know that he has a penis. Well, recently he has realized that girls do not have penis'. "Mommy, what do girls have?" So I told him that girls have vaginas. Then I continued to stress to him that there are some things that we only talk about at home with mommy or daddy. Penis', vaginas, poop and pee are included in this. He understood and I think he felt very important for having such grown up knowledge.
So, on our way to church he yells out "Mommy. we are not at home so I am NOT going to talk about vaginas!"
Thanks bud. It was one of those moments when I knew I shouldn't laugh but I was dying on the inside.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Community Farm Park fun

Yesterday was a beautiful day so we met some friends at the community farm park. We played on the playset, looked at the ponies and goats, and milked a fake cow. It was so fun. After the park, three of us mom's took our combined 8 kids, all under the age of 6, three of which were under 18 months!, out to lunch. Surprisingly, they were all very very well behaved!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Slacking on the blog front

It has been almost a month! In my defense, we have been undergoing a big house remodel (new hardwood floors kitchen counters appliances etc) and on Thursday I finally got my wisdom teeth removed. I look like a chipmunk and I have no memory of what happened on Thursday-the entire day is missing. Anyway, enjoy some pictures of my sweet boys and I will try to do better at updating my blog!