Thursday, April 24, 2008

Our First Parent Teacher Conference

On Monday, we attended a parent teacher conference at Jayden's preschool. It was quite a riot. First, Mrs Jenny told us that we have a very smart little boy. I am not trying to brag but he is smart. I am pretty sure that he is going to intellectually pass his mommy up by the time he is 5! However, there are a few areas that we need to work on. One area is that he is going to need help is pouring water from a pitcher into a cup. She told us that he gets really nervous when it is his turn. I cracked up because we have him convinced that he can't pour milk until he is 16. Actually he can up with that age. "When I am 16, I will drive a car. And pour milk"
And he hates art and craft time. how perfect. he is so much like his mom-and dad too for that matter! No artist flair in this house!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

working out again

I have been working out at least 3 days a week for the past two weeks. I am so sore today. After running 3 miles on the tredmill, I decided to try out the rowing machine since I never have time to work my arms (other than lifting kids) and oh my! I hurt. Everywhere. Even my toes hurt. It is going to take a lot to get me motivated to go back tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sweet sleepy boys

My favorite thing to do after a crazed day at home with my two boys is to sneak into their room and look at them sleeping peacefully. All of the temper tantrums, and struggles of the day, disappear into the beauty of God’s creation that He happened to let me have a part of. And somehow, I am able to see the little baby face that I first glimpsed the day they were each born.
Mr Jayden and I have had a rough day today. Power struggles, temper tantrums, and he cried for over an hour, missing his PeePaw Jerry (“I don’t want him to go to heaven, I want him to come over to my house.”). And now, he is quiet, sleeping and looking like the little angel baby that God gifted me with. And this makes every hard moment seem so insignificant.
I wonder if I will always see the face of my babies when I look at them sleeping, even after they are grown men with babies of their own.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Today has been a DAY!!!

Jayden woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. No-make that the wrong side of the universe! BUCKET O" GRUMP!!!! Our day started out not so good. He got sent to his room and timeouts and he was still a pill. But I needed groceries. I haven't been to the store in a really long time and the cabinets were bare. And tragedy of all tragedies, we were out of cheese to make cheese quesedillas, the ONLY food to Jayden. So we load up. Did I mention that my sister is here? Anyway, head out to dillons, massive list and fist full of coupons in hand. Thank you Jesus that there was a "car cart" so Mr. Grumpy was occupied. So, I filled the cart while my sister entertained the boys. $250!!!!! BUT being the deal diva that I am, with coupons and sales, etc, my bill was $148. FOLKS, I am amazing if I do say so myself.