Friday, December 19, 2008

Twas the weekend before Christmas...

And Juli is making a list and checking it twice. I have quite a few things to get done. OK, a ton of things to get done so I am going to waste time by sitting at the computer and blogging!Jayden is sitting on my lap because he told "its a fine idea" and I agree with him!
So, here is my list of to-do items.
Pick Calvin up at the vet. He goes every other day to have his infected paws flushed and get a shot of antibiotics. I know I am crazy to do this since he is 14 but I love him and as long as I can do something to keep him alive I will. Unless it costs like $1000. Then we will talk.
Wrap presents. Yes the boys are going to help me so they may not be beautiful but they will be wrapped with lots of love
Mail presents. This is a little trickier with two kids. And I know that I am way behind on this so I will be waiting in line forEVER. If you are getting a gift from us, it is probably going to be late. I am sorry for this and my only excuse is poor planning.
Go shopping (oh dread!!!) to pick up some presents for the boys from the MOMO! I know exactly what I am picking up so I will be able to be as efficent as the other shoppers allow me to be. Jayden is getting a Sleeping Bag and WallE watch and Jacob is getting Elmo pj's and Elmo kitchen. Two stops: JcPenny's and Target
Next, we will be making gifts for MeeMaw and Pop. Shhhh! Don't tell! Of course, half the time Jacob thinks that he is meemaw so it could get a little confusing.
Make noodles for Christmas dinner I will be utilizing child labor and forcing Jayden to help me.
On Sunday, I am Mary again and this time I get to have a real live baby on stage. My sweet friend Christina is letting me hold her son. I pray it goes good. So between first and second service I am going to run to CVS because they are having mega deals. I hope I get everything on my list!!! CVS is my new obsession
Then home to eat lunch and put the boys down for naps. Clean house, and get ready for the youth group christmas party.
So, tis the season for busy busy busy!!! But I am going to make sure to take lots of deep breathes and pray and spend some time with God and remember that event though there is so much "to-do"ness this weekend, the top thing it to celebrate Christ!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My new love

I LOVE to save money. I have always been a coupon clipper but recently, I have gotten VERY serious about my art!
So, to pass on the love, I am going to reveal my favorite websites:
This website is great because you can choose your store from a list and it will pull up a spreadsheet of what is on sale and what coupons to use. It will even post the link if there is an online coupon that you can print
I use this website to help me develop my CVS shopping strategy. If you are not currently a CVS shopper, you must must must!!!! get an Extra Care Bucks Card and join me in my obsession! This website has lots and lots of advice on how to get the most bang for your buck!
Great website if you want to cook more from scratch or make your own cleaners. I have started making our laundry detergent-it is super cheap and good for our very sensitive skin.

So, there you go my fellow deal divas and deal dudes!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Bah hum bug

I have not been in the Christmas spirit at all this year. Usually, I cannot wait until I can put up all the decorations, wrap presents and listen to Christmas music. Today, I finally think I figured out what is going on with me. I have been so busy with all of the "to-do" lists of this time of year that I have completely neglected to really focus on what this season is about. I have been trying to do everything myself and I was again reminded that we cannot do anything ourselves-only with Gods guidance! So, I am resolving to spend more quiet time focusing on Christ!

Oh, and did I mention that I am going to be Mary on Christmas Eve. Good Lord, could they have picked a more non-Mary looking person. I am about twice the age of Mary when she had Jesus and I am not even remotely Jewish looking! Hopefully I can learn the lines!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mr Smarty Pants

Jayden is learning to read! I can't believe it. Yesterday he told me he would like to learn to read and this is what happened!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Jayden dressed himself today

Check it out. It is great!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

PeePaw Jerry gets a new name

Jayden and I were playing legos this afternoon. I was attempting to build the boat that he picked out for me to build and he was building a car. Out of the blue, he tells me, "I don't called him PeePaw Jerry anymore. I call him Oliver. "
I am not sure where this came from-we were not even talking about PeePaw.
But so you all know, his name is now Oliver.
I wonder what Dad would think of his new name?

Friday, October 03, 2008

New quiet time study

One of the hardest things for me has been to consistantly read my Bible. As a mom, I barely have time to brush my teeth. The other thing I have been trying to get into the routine of is to exercise. There just isn't enough time in a day. I finally had a hard conversation with myself a couple of weeks ago and here is what I decided: I must first take care of my relationship with God before I can do anything else in my life right. So, I have been doing a Bible study on discontentment and finding the contentment and joy that is found in Christ. Awesome stuff, it really is. But I have noticed even more so the attacks of Satan. I was having a horrible, horrible, horrible day with the kids. They had taken an extra dose of whiney pills that morning and I apparently had left my patience in bed that morning. Then I would looking at a website looking for volunteers to take pictures of infants who die in childbirth. I read the story about how the organization began and I am looked at the beautiful pictures of these perfect little babies who never got to experience life (the organization is nowilaymedowntosleep). Gave me great perspective. I will take the annoying stressful and yes, even horrible days with my kiddos because they are an amazing gift from God and I am so blessed that they are in my life.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I am so proud!

Well we survived the two major events that we were counting down to: the Stand was an amazing night with 1000 youth and sponsors and volunteers. Mark Moore was great, Noah Riner's testimony was encouraging (not to mention that he and his wife are adorable!), and the youth band Reality led an amazing worship service. I am so proud of the youth in our band and I am so so so proud of Josh for his willingness to follow God's leading for this event.

I pulled together the first mops meeting and I am so glad that this year is underway. I think that it is going to be a great year and I am looking forward to getting to know the other moms who are experiencing the same season of life that I am.
After that, we celebrated Jayden's 4th birthday. Can he really be growing up so fast? We went to Silver Dollar City and a couple of days later, went to eat hibachi with MeeMaw and Pop. He even tried sushi which he claims to love.

My big news is that I got a camera!!!!! I am so excited! I love having a little camera to through into my purse or diaper bag and the other, better camera to take great and priceless pictures of my kiddos.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

silly boy

I was tucking Jayden into bed a few minutes ago.
"I love you Mommy"
"I love you back"
"but Mommy, I love you front!"

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I must be doing something right

Yesterday, the boys were helping me take apart our worthless screened in porch. I gave each boy a tool that would inflict the least amount of bodily harm. But Jacob kept walking around, putting his wrench thing in his mouth. I told him NO! Do not put that in your mouth. And he did it again so I took it away. Tears, fit, frustration followed. Jayden went over to his brother to calm him. I heard him quietly tell his brother, "I know Jacob. We have the meanest mom in the world."
I could not contain my laughter!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Some pics of the boys

Jayden is back to preschool so here is a picture from his first day back, as well as his first homework assignment ever. He colored a picture of his trip to DC, specifically the metro.
Also, I incuded a pic of Jayden give Jacob a wagon ride pulled by the John Deere tractor. So cute!!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

I think I took too big of a bite off....

"Dear Lord, please let me make it through the next two weeks!!!" has been my constant prayer the past few days. We are preparing for the STAND, a youth event with nearly 1000 Springfield youth coming! Josh had the vision and is directing this movement. I am so proud of him, but so tired too. Between his meetings and band rehearsals, and my meetings and vocal rehearsals, it feels so overwhelming. But when I take a breath and a step back, I realize that really I am not doing anything. It is the Lord who is using us both as instruments and that is pretty awesome! Please pray for our family, our marriage, our health, the volunteers (over 100 of them!), and the youth that will be attending this event. We know that the 1Peter 5:9 is the basis of the whole event: "your enemy the devil lurks around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. RESIST him, STANDING FIRM IN THE FAITH!"
I have personally been feeling under attack but I know that I have the strength of Jesus Christ sustaining me.
Check out The Stand's website:
Also, MOP's is starting up soon(two days after the stand) and I have so much to get prepared before then. So, I need prayers there too!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Its beginning to look a lot like...

I bet you thought I was going to say Christmas. You are wrong. But it is starting to look like fall. It has even been crisp here in the mornings the past couple of days. I am so looking forward to fall-I love it. My favorite favorite season of all. School supplies, apple cider, pumpkins, changing leaves, back to school, back to routine, gearing up for holidays, craft shows in church gyms (whoever knew that I would I would develop a love for craft shows??), LOVE IT!! Can't wait. I know that I have another month or so of summer weather but just so you know, I am ready for fall.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

NeNe has left the building

I am so sister is heading home to DC. I am not the only one who is sad. Jayden was devestated "I want to go to NeNe's house. I want to sleep in my bed at her house. I want my NeNe." I am so lucky to have such a great big sis. Now I am just trying to figure out a way to get them to move to Missouri.

Friday, August 15, 2008

This has NOT been a fun summer

But it is a summer to remember. I am going to recap the fun summer of adventure for everyone who reads this blog. We will go all the way back to May. I had a root canal, which actually went ok but then I caught a cold a couple days later, right when we were flying out to DC to visit Jen and Paul. I got Jen sick-way to go!
So, we had a couple of good weeks that were filled with painting the house and getting ready for the house remodel. Took the boys to Jeff City while Josh and his Dad demoed the house. Came home to a mess and no counter tops in my kitchen because the installers cracked the countertops when they were installing. Two weeks later I had my wisdom teeth removed. I really thought that 3 days to recover would be more than enough. But it was not. I got an infected dry socket and Jacob spiked a fever of 105. Turned out to be double ear infection and throat infection. Then my class reunion. Alot of fun but Jayden was sick the whole weekend and I couldn't be with him. He recovered and then Jacob got the germs, Then I got the germs and now Aunt NeNe is here and she has the germs. I just took Jacob to the Dr and the ear infections have camped out again. The Dr. mentioned putting tubes in. NO!!!!! It has been quite a summer and I think I am ready for fall! I am definately ready to have my house in order and healthy family!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

mourning my camera

I really miss my camera...
Back in April, the shutter button popped off, literally while I was getting out the car at chuckecheese for puddinfoots birthday party. So, I called a local camera repair shop and they told me to call sony. (Apparently they had been seeing this problem a lot with this camera. called sony "you can send it in and we will fix it. It is $250 but we will clean it. And it will take 6-8 weeks." WHAT!!!! I have kids. They change daily and I don't have time to wait 6-8 weeks. And we were leaving on vaca in a week. So I went to Walmart and bought a cheapie for $200. I know that isn't really cheap but it was cheaper than fixing the other, which was 3 years old.
So, now, I miss my old camera. It took amazing pictures. I am sure that my new camera is good but just not AS good. I am skipping church today because once again I have been remided that I am not superwoman or supermom and I have a fever and odd snot things happening. Jacob is finally better but I digresss. I am supposed to be talking about the void in my life that my camera has left. This morning I got online and looked at potential replacements. I was thinking as a Christmas gift and I could start saving money towards this purchase. I think I am going to have to accept my cute little pink camera because $1000 just seems like too much! This is the camera that orginally wanted but bought a cheaper one (the one that I am mourning). Maybe someday I will find one heck of a deal! I think I am going to pray about it. I know that it is a selfish request but God can do anything, even if it is to grant this not superwoman a selfish wish of putting a camera on sale somewhere...

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Jayden is sick

Last night, I took Jayden's temp and it was 102. Today he is feeling pretty bad. So bad that he has been carrying the green puke bowl around with him.
Well, yesterday he was singing songs that he made up about eating his boogers all gone. I told him, "Jayden, eating boogers will give you a tummy ache."
Today while sitting on the couch he pathetically tells me "Mommy, I think I ate too many boogers. I am not going to do that anymore."

Monday, July 21, 2008

VBS Week

Jayden ready for Backwards Day at VBS

Jacob mid sneeze
This week is Vacation Bible School at church and I am teaching third grade. I have a fun group of very rowdy boys AND girls. Tomorrow I will be introducing the GOD Rules:
Give the speaker your full attention
Obey your leader
Don't be a space invader (keep hands, feet, and all objects to yourself)

I was so tired by the end that I just wanted to take a nap.

It is hotter than you know where this week so this afternoon I took the boys outside and set up a sprinkler. Jacob did not love it but Jayden had a good time taking his mini mini cooper to the "car wash" What a goober.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Somethings a three year old says should be censored!

Since day one, Jayden and his "equipment" have been good friends. I have been very deliberate to teach him the proper names for anatomy so he know that he has a penis. Well, recently he has realized that girls do not have penis'. "Mommy, what do girls have?" So I told him that girls have vaginas. Then I continued to stress to him that there are some things that we only talk about at home with mommy or daddy. Penis', vaginas, poop and pee are included in this. He understood and I think he felt very important for having such grown up knowledge.
So, on our way to church he yells out "Mommy. we are not at home so I am NOT going to talk about vaginas!"
Thanks bud. It was one of those moments when I knew I shouldn't laugh but I was dying on the inside.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Community Farm Park fun

Yesterday was a beautiful day so we met some friends at the community farm park. We played on the playset, looked at the ponies and goats, and milked a fake cow. It was so fun. After the park, three of us mom's took our combined 8 kids, all under the age of 6, three of which were under 18 months!, out to lunch. Surprisingly, they were all very very well behaved!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Slacking on the blog front

It has been almost a month! In my defense, we have been undergoing a big house remodel (new hardwood floors kitchen counters appliances etc) and on Thursday I finally got my wisdom teeth removed. I look like a chipmunk and I have no memory of what happened on Thursday-the entire day is missing. Anyway, enjoy some pictures of my sweet boys and I will try to do better at updating my blog!

Thursday, June 05, 2008


I have seen this video before (I think when we attended Christs Church of Oronogo in Joplin MO). So much about this touched me-the sacrifice of a father to make his disabled son's dream of completing the IronMan Competition come true. But it is more than that. It reminds me that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us so much that he wants the best for us. He created a perfect place where we will be able to worship him and bask in his GLORY forever! I am in no hurry to get there but isn't it going to be amazing?? I watch this video knowing that there is nothing I wouldn't do for my sons, and knowing that there is nothing God wouldn't do for us. He gave us his SON, who died for us, so that we can be with Him forever.
Check out the video and make sure you have some tissues nearby!

Saturday, May 31, 2008


We went to the aquarium in Baltimore MD yesterday. Great time!!!
We are heading home today. Sad!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Went to IKEA today. I love that place! I could spend days in that store. I bought way too much stuff and I have no idea how I am going to get it all home. They had this really cute tunnel that Jacob loved crawling through, so of course we got it. The thing I love about that place is that everything is packed flat so at least it will all fit in a suitcase. Maybe....

Monday, May 26, 2008

A start to our vacation

We arrived in Baltimore Sat night at about 11 pm. Jen picked us up and the boys went right to bed. I have been sick with a cold-or something which has not been the best start to a vacation.
On Sunday, Jayden, Paul and Josh went to the White House for a tour. Jayden was so tired and hot which made him miserable. He was so excited to ride on the train (Metro) but ended up being terribly dissappointed that the train did not say "choo choo". And then he couldn't figure out why he did get to see the president-Josh told him that the president was taking a nap.
Josh and Paul went to Best Buy today and Paul purchased a new TV. We are watching Indiana Jones and it is pretty fabulous.And Jayden played naked in the backyard in a kiddie pool. I have picture but I will not be sharing those!
Jennilee made the best steak dinner tonight-yum. She can cook!
So, we are probably going to IKEA tomorrow because it is forecasted to rain and then on Wed or Thursday, Josh and I are going to the spy museum! We are also going to try to take Jayden to the Smithsonian to see the dinosaur bones. Of course, he believes that Skippyjon Jones made the dinos extinct because of his "holy halitosis!". (the skippyjon jones books are our favorite right now-thanks melinda!!!)
Friday is the aquarium which is what I am most excited about!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Jacob's one year pics

If you want to check out the AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING pictures my girl Sesha took of Jacob for his one-year photos, check out and put in our last name. My favorites involve a baby, his fat belly, and a cupcake!

Vacation, here we come!

We are leaving on vacation tonight and will be flying to Washington DC to visit my sis and bro in law. I am beyond excited but am feeling a little sick, hopefully just allergies. And this will be Jacob's first time flying, so of course I am nervous about that.
When I ask Jayden what he wants to do there, he tells me "eat broccoli with Uncle Paul. but I don't want to eat fish. And I want to see Uncle Paul's real tattoo."
I will keep this updated with our vacation adventures!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Mothers Day-A tribute to my Mommy

I really don’t like mothers day. Even though I am a mom myself now, it is still a reminder of the void in my life. Most days, I just live my life, never really pausing to notice that I am an old soul without a mother. I have lived nearly half of my life without her. But this year, I am pausing, not to feel sorry for myself like I usually do, but to
reflect on the wonderful Godly woman that my Mom was.

I know that she yelled sometimes, but I don’t really remember those times (and God knows I deserved to be yelled at sometimes). I remember her vacuuming at 7:30 am on a Saturday after letting us “sleep in”. I remember fabulous chocolate chip cookies and homecooked meals. It was my mom who discovered that potato chips and cookies taster better frozen. I have no idea why this is but try it and you will know what I am talking about. I loved snuggling with her in her bed every night. I think that this is when I would divulge my deepest darkest secrets, like who I was currently crushing on. One of my favorite memories is “ballroom dancing” around the house with her. She taught me to pay bills by letting me sit at the kitchen table with her and write out the checks for her to sign. She taught me how to plan a menu, save money, do laundry, clean a house, and manage a household. All of this by the time I was 15. I would like to think that it is just my amazing intelligence that helped me learn all of this but I know that it is because of a wonderful Godly woman, Janice Browning.

Other than the practical things, I learned through example how to love my own husband and children, and how to be a friend, how to have compassion for those who are hurting and to desire to pitch in a help people any way that I can. I pray that I can be half of the woman that she was. If I can do that, then I will feel like I have accomplished much. I have been privileged to hear stories from her friends over the years of the support and advice that my mom gave to them. She loved God’s Son, she believed in God’s love, and she believed in the power of God’s word. What an amazing woman. How lucky am I to have had her as a mother?

And I try to live every moment by her final words to us “Let everyone know, keep God centered in their lives.”

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Life in the Tarbet house

Oh Lord have mercy on us, we are in a transition phase of our lives. I have finally accepted the fact that I am not as organized as I once was or would like to be and my house is not as clean as I would like. I think I would settle for half as clean as I would like it to be.
Anyway, I digress. I am transitioning Jacob from two naps to one big afternoon nap. And Jayden thinks that he no longer needs a nap, which I firmly disagree with! That child-I love him dearly but the poor little guy is so much like me it is scary. Poor kid...
Jacob is talking up a storm. The pediatrician warned me that Jacob could have some delays because his big brother is a talking machine. But we seem ok in that area for now. He says "HI", "bye bye" "mama" "dada" "DAD" "bubble" "ball" and "Pop pop pop!" (to go along with the bubbles) What a fun life I have with these two little cuties. I am so happy and blessed.
the remainder of this month is going to be CRAZY!! But we will survive. I am little nervous about keeping Jayden busy enough this summer without preschool so I am going to sit down with a calendar and plan out his life. He needs it and I definately need it.
Josh is very crazy busy spearheading the youth worship concert/movement "The Stand" which will be Sept 14. I know that you will all be hearing about this because it is going to be a very consuming part of our lives over the next few months. I know this is going to be a lot of work for him and for me as well but I am so proud of him! I have been praying Gods protection on our marriage because I know that Satan will try to cast a burden on this event anyway that he can. But I say "poo on you devil!"
I am gearing up for mops next year.
So, that is life for us right now. Not super exciting but it is a wonderful life

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Our First Parent Teacher Conference

On Monday, we attended a parent teacher conference at Jayden's preschool. It was quite a riot. First, Mrs Jenny told us that we have a very smart little boy. I am not trying to brag but he is smart. I am pretty sure that he is going to intellectually pass his mommy up by the time he is 5! However, there are a few areas that we need to work on. One area is that he is going to need help is pouring water from a pitcher into a cup. She told us that he gets really nervous when it is his turn. I cracked up because we have him convinced that he can't pour milk until he is 16. Actually he can up with that age. "When I am 16, I will drive a car. And pour milk"
And he hates art and craft time. how perfect. he is so much like his mom-and dad too for that matter! No artist flair in this house!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

working out again

I have been working out at least 3 days a week for the past two weeks. I am so sore today. After running 3 miles on the tredmill, I decided to try out the rowing machine since I never have time to work my arms (other than lifting kids) and oh my! I hurt. Everywhere. Even my toes hurt. It is going to take a lot to get me motivated to go back tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sweet sleepy boys

My favorite thing to do after a crazed day at home with my two boys is to sneak into their room and look at them sleeping peacefully. All of the temper tantrums, and struggles of the day, disappear into the beauty of God’s creation that He happened to let me have a part of. And somehow, I am able to see the little baby face that I first glimpsed the day they were each born.
Mr Jayden and I have had a rough day today. Power struggles, temper tantrums, and he cried for over an hour, missing his PeePaw Jerry (“I don’t want him to go to heaven, I want him to come over to my house.”). And now, he is quiet, sleeping and looking like the little angel baby that God gifted me with. And this makes every hard moment seem so insignificant.
I wonder if I will always see the face of my babies when I look at them sleeping, even after they are grown men with babies of their own.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Today has been a DAY!!!

Jayden woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. No-make that the wrong side of the universe! BUCKET O" GRUMP!!!! Our day started out not so good. He got sent to his room and timeouts and he was still a pill. But I needed groceries. I haven't been to the store in a really long time and the cabinets were bare. And tragedy of all tragedies, we were out of cheese to make cheese quesedillas, the ONLY food to Jayden. So we load up. Did I mention that my sister is here? Anyway, head out to dillons, massive list and fist full of coupons in hand. Thank you Jesus that there was a "car cart" so Mr. Grumpy was occupied. So, I filled the cart while my sister entertained the boys. $250!!!!! BUT being the deal diva that I am, with coupons and sales, etc, my bill was $148. FOLKS, I am amazing if I do say so myself.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mom stuff

I think that it is really gross that I use my shirt as a kleenex for my boys. We were playing outside and before I could think about it, I had wiped Jacob's snotty nose with my shirt.
What is it about being a mom that makes these sort of things ok.
Josh makes fun of me because I will pick up a half eaten, very handled cookie and just pop it in my mouth. What is this??? I am such a germ freak but oh well.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Its been a long time...

I know I know, I am horrible at blogging but I am going to try to be better about this!
So here is what is going on in our house: SICK. We have been sick sick sick. Josh never gets sick and he has been sick three times this winter. First, it was the respitory flu (so much for the flu shot I got this year), then it was the stomach flu, and most recently Josh and Jacob have had the "mystery virus" High fever and cough. No fun!

So, that being said, I do have some excuse for not blogging. I am in survival mode. Fortunately spring has sprung and that means more time outside and more fresh air. Hopefully no more sick!
Being a mom and being sick is the hardest thing!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

where have we been??

We all have these killer colds and Jacob had double ear infections last week and Jayden has been running high fevers.
Our house is a disaster and our laundry is piling up but hopefully we are on the mend.